Amiri inaugurated his fashion label, AMIRI, back in 2014. The Los Angeles-based brand is available in 160+ high-end retailers globally, including Bergdorf Goodman in New York, Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills, Galeries Lafayette in Paris, and Selfridges & Harrods in London. By 2023, AMIRI boasts standalone flagship stores in prominent cities like Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas, and Dubai.

Amiri’s deep-rooted connection to music and the laid-back Californian lifestyle remains a driving force for the brand. Worn by celebrities like Justin Bieber and Jared Leto, AMIRI blends luxury with a West Coast vibe.

In 2018, AMIRI made its debut at Paris Fashion Week, presenting bi-annual collections that Vogue Runway describes as making a mark in the global luxury market. Notably, the brand showcased a runway collaboration with artist Wes Lang in Los Angeles in February 2022.

Since 2018, Mike Amiri is a CFDA member, receiving nominations and awards, including the Emerging Talent Award at the 2018 Footwear News Achievement Awards. The brand gained a minority stake from Renzo Rosso’s OTB Group in 2019, opened its flagship store in Beverly Hills in 2020, and introduced The AMIRI Prize in 2021.

In 2023, AMIRI appointed Adrian Ward-Rees, formerly of Burberry and Dior Menswear, as Chief Executive Officer, marking a strategic move for the brand’s future endeavors.

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